Downloads and views - Time Series
Number of downloads and views in the period.

Period: Total :: Year :: Month :: Day

Item Handle (eg. 1822/417)
Title : Selecção e recrutamento dos dirigentes intermédios da administração pública
Entry Date : 09-05-2014

Downloads and views
Year Downloads Views
2014 166.0 383
2015 342.0 274
2016 276.0 217
2017 195.0 235
2018 337.0 289
2019 626.0 258
2020 506.0 329
2021 395.0 288
2022 271.0 244
2023 231.0 213
2024 185.0 209
3,530.0 2,939

Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by country
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 1,858.0 52.63
Portugal Portugal 984.0 27.88
Other Countries Other Countries 507.0 14.36
United Kingdom United Kingdom 45.0 1.27
Romania Romania 34.0 0.96
Russian Federation Russian Federation 22.0 0.62
Austria Austria 12.0 0.34
Germany Germany 12.0 0.34
New Zealand New Zealand 10.0 0.28
Poland Poland 7.0 0.20
China China 5.0 0.14
Japan Japan 4.0 0.11
INA, I.P. INA, I.P. 3.0 0.08
France France 3.0 0.08
Uruguay Uruguay 3.0 0.08
Brazil Brazil 3.0 0.08
Vietnam Vietnam 2.0 0.06
Slovakia Slovakia 2.0 0.06
Macau Macau 2.0 0.06
Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire 2.0 0.06
Netherlands Netherlands 1.0 0.03
Angola Angola 1.0 0.03
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1.0 0.03
Italy Italy 1.0 0.03
Mozambique Mozambique 1.0 0.03
Argentina Argentina 1.0 0.03
Canada Canada 1.0 0.03
Cape Verde Cape Verde 1.0 0.03
Sweden Sweden 1.0 0.03
Latvia Latvia 1.0 0.03
3,530.0 100.00

Views by country
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 1,475 50.19
Other Countries Other Countries 734 24.97
Portugal Portugal 251 8.54
Poland Poland 186 6.33
Germany Germany 113 3.84
United Kingdom United Kingdom 40 1.36
France France 31 1.05
Canada Canada 20 0.68
Italy Italy 12 0.41
INA, I.P. INA, I.P. 12 0.41
Netherlands Netherlands 11 0.37
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 7 0.24
Brazil Brazil 6 0.20
Slovenia Slovenia 6 0.20
Russian Federation Russian Federation 6 0.20
Romania Romania 4 0.14
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 4 0.14
Vietnam Vietnam 3 0.10
Uruguay Uruguay 2 0.07
Sweden Sweden 2 0.07
Slovakia Slovakia 2 0.07
Hungary Hungary 2 0.07
Austria Austria 2 0.07
Macau Macau 2 0.07
Japan Japan 2 0.07
Latvia Latvia 1 0.03
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1 0.03
China China 1 0.03
Denmark Denmark 1 0.03
2,939 100.00

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