Downloads - Time Series
Number of downloads in the period.

Period: Total :: Year :: Month :: Day

Item Handle (eg. 1822/417)
Title : A governação local no Algarve no contexto de financiamento e responsabilidades
Entry Date : 28-07-2011

Month Downloads
January 29.0
February 24.0
March 24.0
April 25.0
May 25.0
June 34.0
July 37.0
August 29.0
September 21.0
October 21.0
November 49.0
December 136.0

Downloads by month
Downloads of the selected year
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 202.0 44.49
Other Countries Other Countries 143.0 31.50
Portugal Portugal 96.0 21.15
Germany Germany 8.0 1.76
Russian Federation Russian Federation 3.0 0.66
Romania Romania 2.0 0.44
454.0 100.00

Downloads of the selected year (top 10)
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