Downloads and views - Period
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Item Handle (eg. 1822/417)
Title : Do welfare state ao conceiro de governance: que futuro para as administrações públicas no início do século XXI?
Entry Date : 28-12-2011

Downloads : 216
Views : 234

Downloads and views in the period
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by country
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 128.0 59.26
Other Countries Other Countries 49.0 22.69
Portugal Portugal 28.0 12.96
Russian Federation Russian Federation 5.0 2.31
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2.0 0.93
Uruguay Uruguay 1.0 0.46
Brazil Brazil 1.0 0.46
Sweden Sweden 1.0 0.46
Kuwait Kuwait 1.0 0.46
216.0 100.00

Views by country
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 182 77.78
Other Countries Other Countries 21 8.97
Portugal Portugal 9 3.85
United Kingdom United Kingdom 6 2.56
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 4 1.71
Russian Federation Russian Federation 4 1.71
Germany Germany 2 0.85
Canada Canada 2 0.85
France France 2 0.85
Japan Japan 1 0.43
Lithuania Lithuania 1 0.43
234 100.00

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